Random Photos


まず一枚目: これは近所にあるデパートのおもちゃ売場でスノーマンの着ぐるみとハグをする娘。

二枚目: Sohoにあるネオン管のお店の入口をパシャリ!実は何気に昔からネオン管を家に飾りたいという夢があったから内心大興奮!!どれもすてきだけど、家にはもっとシンプルのでいいや。

三枚目: これまたレスタ―スクウェアにと突如として現れた夏の匂いがプンプンするガーデンが!

A few random and unrelated pictures for you.
The first is my daughter hugging a ginormous snowman in a department store.
Loads of things about her are similar to my husband; when i was her age i would have run away from this guy but she is completely happy to chat away to this snow guy like she has known him for ages.
I remember watching the Snowman film with my mum in a small cinema underneath a kids bookshop in Tokyo. Nice memories.

The second Picture is from a new(ish) shop in soho that sells neon signs. I always wanted to own one of these things, although i'd prefer something a bit simpler.
Also this shop made my head feel weird.

This out-of-season tropical flowers appeared in Leicester Square, setting up for a film premier. Don't remember what the film was called but it is that one with Santa or something...

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